Want to get people’s attention? Do you enjoy initiating conversation…or stopping it cold at the outset? Do you get a kick out of observing facial expressions following a specific comment you’ve voiced? During “table time” (aka “dining room evangelism”) at one of the centers where we teach, as I sat with residents who are not yet believers in Jesus, I mentioned rather matter-of-factly, “Today at the Bible study we’re going to talk about how we can ENJOY God.” The response: no words; raised eyebrows; glancing down at their plates. Many Jewish people do not realize that God is a personal God…that He created us for relationship with Himself! Peggy came along and joined the table gathering. I had already changed the subject. My new friend and resident at the community is a retired University Professor. And, she’s a believer in Jesus. I so appreciate Peggy. We entered into a discussion around the table concerning Jesus’ teac...