Eccl. 3:1 – To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven… . “A time to; a time for”…. Some explain the repetitiveness as a reminder of the relentless monotony of life!? Conversely, I’m reminded by this Scripture that life is bustling with activity for God’s glory! During the summer the Jewish ministry seems to reveal additional purposes. While deadlines are always in the picture, there seem to be less between May and August. Consequently, at this time, ministry aspirations grow as I prayerfully and excitedly ponder. The result…either new thrusts and/or undeveloped layers are added onto existing ministry adventures! In May I arrived at one of the retirement centers hours prior to the weekly Bible study. This has been my pattern since 2005 which has afforded opportunities to visit Jewish residents in their apartments. Of late, however, fewer have responded to my knocking on th...