Continuing "Hither and Yon".

May 2019 Hi, Ho! Where have I been? I’ve been continuing to trek “hither and yon” – mostly “hither-ing” (read the last blog). “Yon-ing” doesn’t happen as often. The Passover season took us to northern AZ and Nevada (from Las Vegas north to Elko). What a joy to fellowship with brothers and sisters in the Lord across state lines, to hear about and pray for their Jewish friends who need Jesus (and perhaps to meet their Jewish friends at the Passover Seders), and to share with all why Israel is significant in God’s plan for the world and why a Jewish person placing their trust in Jesus is the most Jewish thing they can do! As we left Las Vegas following precious times with many friends, former and new, we looked forward to seven or so hours of driving through new territory. Our Nevada experience has never been north of Las Vegas…until now. Soon after getting on the highway, the GPS directed us off the highway. Odd? Perhaps a detour d...