The card was staring me in the face! I gazed back and said, “I LOVE this card!” I am so thankful for the story that God has given me. It’s the story of Jesus in my life and the thrill of sharing Him with others. We each have stories. We each have adventures. How imperative it is to relish the life episodes that come with our name emblazoned on them…from God! This blog is entitled “Ministry Adventures with Cathy.” How would you define an “adventure”? Adventure means “an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous experience or activity.” “Escapade” is a synonym for adventure. Escapade means “an act or incident involving excitement or daring.” Really? Hazardous and daring? Perhaps I should change the name of the blog. Although…. I have several good friends who enjoy fantastic adventures…traveling hither and yon. “Hither” for me consists of driving to various neighborhoods, some out-of-town, or out-o...