Wishing you a most powerful New Year in Him!

It’s the day after the day after the day after !! If you use that verbiage, as I just did, what do you mean? What do I mean? Post-December 25 th ? Post-anticipation of December 25 th ? Is this verbiage positive or negative? This Chanukah/Christmas season was exciting! May I share one day? December 12 th was stirring. I’m smiling and I’m thanking God as I recall that day. Bobby and I traveled to Gilbert during rush hour! An endoscopic ultrasound on his pancreas was scheduled. I sat next to a woman in the waiting room who was playing a game on her phone and laughing. I inquired about the game. Her response: mah jongg. That registers with me as many Jewish people play mah jongg. I asked if she celebrated Chanukah. “Yes, I celebrate all holidays.” I then asked if she was Jewish. Her answer: “I’m born again!” I confirmed what she meant and she furthe...