An Astounding Metamorphosis!

“We may not be able to bury Shelly near our Dad in the Jewish section of the cemetery….” Shelly’s brother, Douglas, Emailed me in August of 2017. As I reflect, it seems much longer ago. I knew that Douglas had recently come to faith in Jesus. I had not as yet met him. He asked if I would call Shelly and proceeded to relay, “She doesn’t know Jesus, she hates God, and she is resistant!” My thoughts: God is able!!! This is HIS work! Shelly and I exchanged several Emails and voicemails before we finally connected ear-to-ear. Shelly was transparent…”I’m an atheist.” I asked her, “Why?” Her animosity was overshadowed by her quivering voice which spoke to me of hope. She told me that she’d been calling out to God for years regarding her chronic back pain and her cancer. “He’s not answering me.” Following two quite lengthy conversations on the phone …after relaying much Scripture…during our third conversation on S...