May 2018

What can I express in these blogs that I’m not reporting in the monthly ministry newsletter? I've been wrestling with that question. Perhaps the answer is wrapped up in the word "express." The blog is more for expressing...for sharing reflections. The newsletter is focused on reporting. So, I'm coming to you in "Cathy's Ministry Adventures" - pondering and sharing what I'm learning from the Lord. By the way, do you receive the monthly Jewish ministry update? Do you wish to receive it via Email? Please let me know – In the April 2018 newsletter, I had mentioned that I found myself consistently relaying, “that’s a whole ‘nother story,” during the Passover Seders and one-on-one visits with Jewish people in March. Most likely I’ve used this phrase throughout the years. “That’s a whole ‘nother story.” What does that mean? Those words are essentially telling people, “I have a connected anecdote to what I...