Resurrection Sunday was nearly two weeks ago. The week leading up to Resurrection Sunday God gave me the privilege of conducting four Passover Seders in four different churches, Tuesday through Friday, in Chandler, Tucson, Scottsdale, and Phoenix - following three Passover Seders in the beginning and middle of March. What a joy! The fast-paced schedule has continued. How could the week following Resurrection Sunday be filled to capacity? What’s “capacity”? I thought perhaps there might be a bit of a respite? What’s “respite”? I must admit, while “respite” isn’t noted on my calendar on a regular basis (shame on me), I don’t think I’ve reached “capacity”! I LOVE the ministry to which God has called me. However, to offset crashing about 8:30 p.m. one evening, I took 30 minutes to watch part of a 1937 movie, “Captains Courageous.” (It took me four evenings to watch the entire film) I wasn’t sure what to share in th...