How DOES that WORK?

JANUARY 2018 It’s Wednesday. Wasn’t it just Sunday? And this Sunday is soon to arrive. And then it will be Wednesday again! How does that work? AND, I’m still dining on Thanksgiving fare – gluten free paleo pumpkin blondies. They are more delicious with age. (I checked for mildew…none as yet). AND, our decorated Christmas tree with lights ablazing remains in the living room. Our son, Jarrod, told us last week that he’s thankful that we haven’t packed Christmas into boxes as yet. Of course, the celebration of Jesus’ incarnation is never “packed away”! I told the ladies at the Tues. a.m. Book of Revelation study last week that Christmas is always pertinent. Christmas is part of the “one long sentence that is the Bible”! Ponder that! The Chanukah/Christmas season was such a blessing…such a mixture of everything all wrapped up in God’s grace! The days were truly a moment-by-moment adventure. Sever...