Do you know that the counting of omers is currently progressing? What’s an omer? Good question! Why should omers be counted? Who’s counting the omers? And, why is this relevant? In Lev. 23:15-21, concerning the Feast of Weeks, God told the children of Israel to count the days after the Sabbath during Passover week, from the day that they had brought the sheaf of the wave offering (the omer) to the priest (that day was the Feast of First Fruits, the day that Jesus rose from the dead)…they were to count seven Sabbaths, bringing them to the fiftieth day. Are you pondering, calculating, computing? What occurred fifty days after Jesus’ resurrection? Several years ago in May, a few weeks following Resurrection Sunday, I stood in the midst of an outdoor mall in Central Phoenix waiting to meet a friend for lunch. Pottery Barn caught my eye. (I absorb all that Pottery Barn has to offer and then travel to the thrift stores to find similar décor items) That day I was carrying about ...