I’m from the Bronx. Have I told you? Please take note that it’s “THE” Bronx. It’s something special…it’s set apart. Do you know of any other city, in this case “borough,” that has a definite article preceding it? “The” seems to herald “Bronx.” An English grammar document on the Internet states that we can use “the” to refer to people or objects that are unique! OK, I’m not getting uppity about my hometown. “The” reminds me of its uniqueness to me. I have fond memories of my childhood in the Bronx. And, I always smile when I reflect on God taking me out of the Bronx, out of New York City with its massive Jewish population, and bringing us to the deserts of New Mexico and Arizona to engage in a ministry to the Navajos and Hopis…ultimately moving us to the Phoenix metropolitan area where He called me to share Jesus with Jewish people. WHY did God lead me away from NYC to the desert? Well, we do find the desert in ...