
Showing posts from September, 2016


SEPTEMBER 2016 As I was saying. . .I love Autumn!!  Yes, I know, at the time of this writing, we continue in the season of summer.  But, Autumn’s a’comin’!!  I say that rather confidently.  And I smile at the thought of cooler temps, the one street in Phoenix with golden leaves on the trees, and pumpkins on display in grocery stores.  I can, however, PROCLAIM with utmost confidence and certainty that JESUS is coming!  And my heart is ablaze with HOPE and JOY!  And , it is Elul!!??   REALLY?  What’s an “Elul?”  Elul is a month on the Jewish calendar which began on Sept. 4 th this year and will end on Oct. 2 nd when Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) begins and Jewish people observe what they label as the “10 Days of Awe” – between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.  Well, you’re most likely thinking, “It’s all Greek to me.”  My response, “No, it’s Hebrew!”  But, bottom line: what’s the big deal?  Answer: ...