“A MONTH?” I couldn’t believe it. “We’re going to be gone a MONTH?” When I realized the dates of the ministry schedule in NJ with speaking engagements at Bible studies and churches… following the Chosen People Ministries conference in the latter part of June in Virginia, I was ON EDGE!! What does ON EDGE mean? I didn’t put too much thought into what ON EDGE means. At least I didn’t feel as if I was OVER THE EDGE. At the time, pre-trip, I was focused on the fact that there’s no lull within the Jewish ministry during the summer in AZ. Yet, it was almost clear that God was leading us to travel back East, by car, to attend the conference and to engage in Jewish ministry activities in NJ and possibly in NY. “Almost clear”? The timeframe was throwing me into the wondering mode. OK, another vague expression… wondering mode . Wondering about what? About God’s wisdom in His leading? Hold the presses !!!...