John 1:14 – “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory.” Jesus is the glory of God revealed at His birth – the celebration we call Christmas. Christmas is Jesus’ first coming. At His Second Coming, Jesus will return in His blazing glory which Matthew 24:30 describes as “great glory.” The literal meaning of the “glory” of God is – weight, abundance, riches. The glory of God manifests all of His attributes – all Who He is. Are we beholding God in all His glory? Do we think of Christmas as a time of beholding Him? In Psalm 34, King David describes those who trust in the Lord. I love verse 5 of Psalm 34 which states that “they looked to Him and were radiant. . . .” The radiance in our lives that is ignited by Christ far exceeds the brightness of Christmas lights! Do we long for this radiance? As we continue to read Psalm 34:5, the Holy Spirit through King David tells us that those who b...