The other day I was engaged in a conversation about ISIS with a Jewish Studies Professor from a well-known Jewish university on the East coast, God gave me the opportunity to share an “end times” scenario from Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 and 39 with an emphasis on the Messiah. The Professor, who is not a believer in Jesus, proceeded to pull up these passages via the Internet browser on his phone. “Just checking you out,” he offered. “You’ve got the passages right.” He then said something quite curious, “I’m counting on you to get it right.” This was not my first conversation with this man. Lord willing, further conversations will ensue. Should the Lord tarry, I’ll be teaching “End Times As Pictured in the Fall Feasts of Israel” at Scottsdale Bible Church/Women’s Fall Bible Studies beginning Sept. 15th, ending Nov. 17th. Online registration will be available in August. Hope to see you there, Cathy Wilson